A scriptural based prepping channel dedicated to helping those who are preparing to survive the end days chaos of humanity during the 7 trumpets of Revelation and see the glorious return of messiah. Very soon the signs and events are going to take place spoken of in the scripture and prophecy. Very soon the Book of Revelation will be a living reality before us. Now is the time to be a prepper, now is the time to get prepared......ARE YOU READY?

For those who have contact requests in general please email me at 7rumpetsprepper@gmail.com
For those who have requests for me to come speak at an event, church, special event or etc. I would be glad to help you out just please put in the email subject line (Speaking engagement) that way I will make sure to filter it through all my emails ASAP. Thank you for your help.
If you are a company wanting a product reviewed on the channel just give me a yell, I'll check it out and give an honest opinion.