Indradyumna Swami Official

My Journey
H.H. Indradyumna Swami was born on May 20th, 1949 in Palo-Alto (California, USA).

Since 1986, Indradyumna Swami has been traveling and spreading the message of Krishna Consciousness throughout the world in countries such as the USA, Poland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and South America. He is well-known as one of ISKCON’s most active preachers.

A shining example of his large-scale preaching is the traveling Festival of India tour which he organizes every year in Poland. These festivals attract thousands of people, who learn about and relish the nectar of Krsna Consciousness through music, dance, drama, spiritual discussion, and prasadam (food that is first offered to the Lord).

Since 1995, Indradyumna Swami has been writing his Diary of a Traveling Monk, which describes many of his adventures and realizations while continuously traveling.



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