Just a Glorious cunt uploading smite for shits and giggles. Subscrib and become less shit and more glorious, cunt!

I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. Some of you may notice an 'accent'. This is actually not my true 'accent' it's a softer version used for those who speak english as a 2nd language and some yanks who talk exceptionally slowly and aren't used to my slightly increased pace. Your confusion probably comes from watching imported US Tv shows and as such you assume yank-english to be the standard, it is not and you should not assume that.

Intro made by me, with my logo and royalty free audio from: youtube.com/watch?v=PdYpnhlSDA4&index=134&list=WL Thanks, boys!

Banner by natalia d, thanks!

All thumbnail images courtesy of hi-rez.


Shared 5 years ago