Equipment: Korg Pa4x musikant, Yamaha genos, Yamaha HS80, Allen & Heath SQ5, Qu-16 (since march 2016, before presonus 16.0,.2). Cubase 9 as Sequenzer/DAW. I also use Cantabile Performer 3 for playing my Nexus and Native Komplete VST Instruments
I use a customized Japers Alu Keyboard Stand 2D-145S.

How do i record Audio/Video?
All Instruments are connected to my Presonus Mixer, wich has a Firewireinterface that is connected to my Mac with Cubase 9. Video is recorded with my Panasonic GH4 Cam. I put Audio & Video together with Cyberlink Powerdirector....Thats it.

Please don´t ask for sharing Styles or Midis. I won´t take and won´t give....

FAQ: What are the two little boxes left & right on your Korg PA2x?
- Left: Presonus Faderport: Transportcontrol for Cubase, Right: midicontroller for Soundchoice of the Branda Solist Sound Module