Professional software developer.
COMPLETED LET'S PLAYS (In chronological order of completion):
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (Critical Mode) - PS2
House of the Dead 2 (Very Hard Mode, 5 Lives, 9 Credits) - Wii
Mario Tennis - N64
Bomberman Hero - N64
Megaman X Command Mission - GCN
Super Luigi Galaxy - Wii
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Wii
MadWorld - Wii
Viewtiful Joe - PS2
Paper Mario - N64
.hack//G.U. Vol. 1 Rebirth - PS2
Portal: Still Alive - 360
Starfox Adventures - GCN
Metroid Prime (Trilogy Version) - Wii
Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia - PS2
Link to the Past - SNES (VC)
Akane the Kunoichi - Xbox 360 (Indie)
No More Heroes - Wii
.hack//G.U. Vol. 2 Reminisce - PS2
Super Luigi Galaxy 2 - Wii (Aside from Green Stars)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (WiiWare) - Wii
Luigi's Mansion - Gamecube
Some other games I can't remember
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 9 years ago