Pop Culture Minefield

Pop Culture Minefield is your One Stop Shop for all things Pop Culture!
We discuss Movie, Television, as well as Comic Book news and rumors.

A special Thank You to our Patrons
Patron Producers: Jim Woodward, Bob Gowan, Tina Roberts , John Schmidt, Mr. Tickle Trunk,

πŸ”₯ Gerry's professional site can be found at
Gerry's IMDB Page πŸ‘‰ www.imdb.com/name/nm1956525/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Gerry's Official Artist Website πŸ‘‰ gerrykissell.wixsite.com/kissellstudios

On Pop Culture Minefield, Keith and Gerry, you get the latest news on Major Movies and TV shows coming out! DD Crowley does her game reports and reviews.