Dollar for Dollar

Welcome to Dollar for Dollar. My name is Heather. After speaking to family and friends about their personal finances and answering their questions, I decided I wanted to help others on their journey to financial freedom. On this channel, I give my honest opinion and share my experiences and knowledge when it comes to personal finances. I have come a long way on my journey to financial independence. I have lived paycheck to paycheck, on minimum wage, and with tons of debt. Now, I only live on two-thirds of my income and the only debt I have is my home (which we are actively paying extra towards). It is possible to better your financial future, but you need to start today!

I upload content once a week and I am going to show you how to manage your money successfully. We will discuss everything from getting out of debt, to investments and passive income, and buying a home. Subscribe and join along as we make sure your money is working hard, Dollar for Dollar!


Shared 4 years ago