1 Pro Wrestling & Sports Fan

1 PRO WRESTLING & SPORTS FAN is your home for Mike Messier's takes on Sports & Professional Wrestling including clips from live matches, and interviews with Pro Wrestlers past and present!

This page was formerly "Subscribe to Mike Messier YouTube Channel".

I've decided to break up my content into four channels moving forward!

The four channels will now be and feature:

1) 1 Pro Wrestling Fan - my Pro Wrestling stuff

2) 1 Man and a Camera Films - my own films plus my TV show Messier Mantra

3) 1 Mike Messier - my straight-to-camera rants including "Mike's Instant Movie Reviews", "A Word I Hate", and "Life Lessons with Mike Messier"

4) 1 ARTIST MIKE MESSIER - My art in 60 second shorts!

For right now, all of my prior content, including my own short films, Messier Mantra, and my "non-wrestling content", will be archived here on this channel.