

哈囉! 歡迎來到 K.MOSA 頻道

我們是Kelly 凱莉 & Nicholas 尼可拉斯,一對台美的異國夫妻。 我們的頻道分享異國夫妻簡單的日常,在生活中因為台灣美國文化大不同和語言差異而帶來的歡笑。以及到台灣, 美國少人知道的小地方旅行和當地人互動, 透過我們的眼睛,讓你看到不一樣的世界!

*更多資訊 Our Work: portaly.cc/kmosa
*加入FB & IG 每天生活文化差異,帶給你歡笑!

Hi! Welcome to our channel.

We are Kelly & Nicholas (K.Mosa), an interracial married couple from Taiwan and the US. Our channel focuses on the fun cultural and language differences we experience every day in our marriage, as well as our travels to lesser-known places in Taiwan. We hope you enjoy seeing Taiwan through our eyes!