❝welcome to my gaming channel❞
I started this channel in 2011, posting my first walkthrough ever in December that same year. I only record video games for entertainment purposes. Some of my videos may help you out while others will entertain you. All footage/gameplay is made by me, recorded by me and edited by me. I am not the best gamer out there, however if you want to post negative/hate/rage comments about my playstyle, feel free. However the chance of you getting a simmilar negative response may be high. All constructive criticism is welcome though.
▴Recording Device: Hauppage HD PVR
▴Editing software: Sony Vegas Pro 11
▴Graphics Design: Adobe Photoshop CS5
▴PC Recorder: Bandicam/Fraps
▴PC: Alienware Aurora
.:Other Social Networks:.
▴JustinTV/TwitchTV: cs.twitch.tv/milzolux
▴Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/pages/Milzolu...
▴Twitter: twitter.com/Milzolux
▴DeviantArt: milzolux.deviantart.com/
▴Blog: milzolux.wordpress.com/
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 9 years ago
Shared 9 years ago