Nathaniel Coe III

Nathaniel Coe III (27), also known as "The General", is an internationally recognized Apostolic Builder, Prophetic Voice, Teacher & Minstrel. Born in Philadelphia, PA, it was clear even at a young age, being different and peculiar would become his trademark.

In 2015, Nathaniel Coe III released his debut album entitled "The Heart Of A Minstrel" which many have considered to be the sound of Heaven in the Earth. The ministry of Apostle Nathaniel Coe III currently has reached over 100 nations through internet, radio, and television being featured on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). Apostle Nate has the privilege to serve, impart, and cover an anointed network of Five-Fold Leaders, Ministries, & Churches around the country for the purpose of Kingdom connection & advancement.
Nathaniel Coe is married to Myeesha Coe and has one son, Joshua Malachi Coe