Hi, I'm Peternity. I make "funny" memes.
Was previously known as Peter Explains The Joke, but changed my name in October 2019 due to the meme becoming stale and dead.
My name is a combination of "Peter" and "Eternity". There's no hidden meaning behind it or anything, i just think it sounds good.
All I know is that I'll be making shitty content for all Peternity.
(By the way, there are 2 people running this account)
Stuff used for videos:
Premiere Pro - Video editing
Photoshop - Thumbnails and video assets
remove.bg, express.adobe.com - Video and thumbnail assets
stock.adobe.com - Various images
elevenlabs.io, RVC GUI, uberduck.ai, vo.codes, 15.ai - Character text to speech voices
elevenlabs.io, natualreaders.com, ttsdemo.com, ttsmp3.com - Regular text to speech voices
Cocaine - Video ideas
Shared 2 years ago