AusSkill International Hotel School

होटल मैनेजमेंट इंस्टिट्यूट Established in 2017 by a group of dedicated entrepreneurs, managerial experts, and qualified chefs to be the center of excellence for culinary arts and hospitality management training in India. We're registered under the SR Act. 1860 Govt. Of Uttarakhand.
Affiliated to an international institution, AIHS intends to generate competent and skilled human resources in hotel and hospitality management.
Our popular courses are Diploma (1-year) & (BHM) 4-year Degree in Hotel and Hospitality Management, offering training in Culinary Arts (Commercial Cookery, Asian Cookery), F & B Operations, Bartender, Aviation, Barista, Bakery & Pastry, Cruise Management, Hospitality Management, and some short-term skill development programs.
Placement in 5 to 7-star Hotels (India or Abroad) | कोर्स के उपरान्त 100% जॉब प्लेसमेंट | No Hidden Cost.