HendrixJHE Classic Rock Video Archive

Archive of Classic Rock and 80s metal videos. Live concerts, both professional and audience shot, compilations of clips, documentaries and anything and everything that can be uploaded without being taken down due to copyright. I also have a BitChute account which I will use to upload videos that will not be allowed on YT. If interested, leave me a comment for link.

I have been collecting music for over 35 years, started back when one would send cassette tapes via mail to trade with others collectors who you would find in ads in the classifieds of music magazines in the early 80s. Then of course the Internet facilitated being able to join newsgroups, IRC servers etc. dedicated to specific artists or music genres and that was like a whole new level. Now with torrents, YouTube and file sharing, obtaining rare recordings and videos of one's favorite artists has never been easier. So, time to share my videos!