sabrina`s travel adventures

This channel is meant to inspire,encourage and support people living with chronic or/& invisible illnesses... Giving you ideas of what is possible or maybe possibly too difficult through our struggles and achievements battling Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Synd, Von Willebrand disease...Live your life, enjoy it the best you can.
I will also review restaurants we ate at as it is sometimes a bit more challenging to find vegetarian/vegan food in certain destinations.
We will review our hotels/airbnb for comfort, location, cleanliness & accessibility ♿ .
We will review airports/airlines/aircrafts from check in to final destination for those with mobility issues.
Pros&cons of all destinations
At this stage with have No affiliates or sponsors.
We encourage tourism offices to contact us, showcase what supports are available so we that we can try those facilities ourselves and share our experiences with our community to promote your sevices with positive criticism when needed