Thriving in The Word

At Thriving in The Word we believe in a slower study of scripture. Sure you can cook a steak in the microwave, but would you want to eat it. It’s much better slow cooked, and that’s how we take our Bible study. We study the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and at times even word by word.

For more information visit:

Thrive.Church wants to make a difference in your life, in the community and in the world. Our mission is to make fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ. has 3 in-person locations (with services times):

- 284 Town Hill Road
Terryville, CT 06786
(Wednesdays 7pm, Sundays 9:30am & 11am)
Down the road from the Terryville Fair Grounds.

- 1701 East Main Street
Torrington, CT 06790
(Sundays 10am)
In front of Ruwet-Sibley across the street from Applebees.

- 365 John Downey Drive
Suite C
New Britain, CT 06051
(Sundays 10am)
In the same building as Alvarium Brewery.

All are welcome! Come As You Are!