From being the first elected Youth President to being an elected Corporator for Pune Municipal Corporation, Sunny Nimhan has come a long way. Sunny has done BE Civil from Pune University and Ms. in Property and construction management from University of Melbourne Australlia.

Sunny Nimhan also is the only Cororator in India who has completed a stupendous task of cycling from Delhi to Pune. Spreading awareness regarding environmental issues and health was Sunny's intention behind i this wondertl feat of cycling 1540 kms. Sunny Nimhan was awarded Efficient Corprator by Maharashtra Rajya Patrkar Parishad Sangha in 2016 for his tilustrlous work.
Sunny Nitmhan is a Managing Director of Sunny's World, an internationally acclaimed fun destination for family, corporates and for weekend getaways, well equipped with world-class leisure, biggest adventure park and recreational facilities.
Multifaceted Sunny is Co-Owner of a well-known food chain Thikana.


Shared 7 months ago