imoves is on a mission to get 20 million children active every day by 2025. Why? Because just 30 minutes of activity every day creates brighter, healthier and happier children. Within just two weeks of implementing the imoves framework, schools have noticed a significant change in pupils’ behaviour and focus within the classroom, and improvements to their overall health and wellbeing.
imoves is a teacher-led digital platform designed to introduce activity into lessons across the school with an easy-to-use approach supporting teachers every step of the way. Simply log-in, choose a lesson from the extensive library of over 2,000 curriculum-based lesson plans ranging from 2-minutes to an entire lesson.
What makes imoves unique is that it’s the first evidence-based approach to a truly active school for better, happier learners. You'll find everything you need from mental wellbeing, active lessons as well as dance and PE.
Shared 2 years ago