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Movies Uploaded so far
Donnie Brasco (13/13 parts)
Battle of Haditha(Removed; Copyright bullshit)
Monument Ave (10/10)
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Next Movie:
Due to Youtubes Copyright bullshit I will not be uploading any more movies. We'll see what the future holds. Till than, have fun watching Donnie Brasco over and over.
Are you retarded? A keyboard warrior? Offended easily? A fundimental religious person? Please leave now. Sending private messages to me about my mockery picture of Hitler in the style of the KFC logo, and how it offends you will just get yourself blocked. I don't give a shit if you get offended, I put it up for the people who don't live in a box and actually get a kick out of it. And finally, no I won't upload any of your 'favorite' videos. This was meant to upload Mafia/Mob movies but youtube has fallen to the cooperate puppet master. I honestly don't know how Donnie Brasco has stayed up for over 1 year.
Thanks to the dedicated, smart and humorous people. Keep on watchin'!