Fullmetal Archivist

Fullmetal Archivist, a curator with flair,
His journey began, a passion to share.
No claims to creation, just love for the beat,
From punk’s raw energy to the crowd’s heartbeat.
FEAR, Circle Jerks, and more they unfold,
Live shows immortalized, stories untold.
So whether it’s Black Flag or Dead Kennedys they embrace,
Fullmetal Archivist keeps the music in place! 🎶🤘

I do not claim to have produced or created these shows, nor do I monetize them. Hell, I didn't even write this silly poem. I had Co-pilot do it. I simply put these shows out here, for others to discover and enjoy. Share, like, comment, subscribe, and most importantly, support these artists!


Shared 11 months ago