Covering all things Baldur's Gate 3, Diablo 4, Darktide, Total War, Crusader Kings 3, Mount & Blade, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, and Age of Sigmar. ItalianSpartacus streams relentlessly, has limitless "Let's Plays" that are not quite finished, and lore videos that are great for long walks on the beach and petting horses.

2,000 Subscribers: 4/23/2017
5,000 Subscribers: 8/06/2017
10,000 Subscribers: 1/7/2018
15,000 Subscribers: 5/20/2018
20,000 Subscribers: 9/28/2018
25,000 Subscribers: 12/17/2018
30,000 Subscribers: 2/17/2019
35,000 Subscribers: 5/27/2019
40,000 Subscribers: 6/21/2019
70,000 Subscribers: 4/24/2020
100,000 Subscribers: 9/28/2020
200,000 Subscribers: 9/13/2023
250,000 Subscribers: 01/11/2024