want to learn about Islam or explore Quran recitation videos. we make Islamic videos that help people to know about actual Islam. Here is our website URL: actualislam.com.
Our mission is to spread actual Islam to the world. Our Dawah is to clear the misconceptions people have about ISLAM. Actual Islam doesn't support terrorism nor does it support sects in Islam. Islam is a religion of peace and love. Quran is the final revelation of the creator and Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon Him is the final messenger of Almighty Allah.
Our Channel Contains Videos of the Quran beautiful Recitations, the greatest scholars of Islam like Dr. Zakir Naik, Dr. Israr Ahmed, Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza, Jalal Ul Din Qasmi, and Video lectures on Atheism, Islam, and other religions.
We have a holy mission please support us by liking and spreading our videos, subscribing to our channel, and giving your kind feedback in the comments.


Shared 8 months ago



Shared 1 year ago