Chunk The Groundhog

Chunk the Groundhog: The Ultimate Garden Boss!

When Chunk raids our garden, he doesn’t just snack, he puts on a show! He plops down right in front of the camera, devours our veggies, and stares us down like a true boss.

It all started when our garden was under attack, and we set up a camera to catch the culprit. Enter Chunk. Instead of being mad, we were mesmerized! This lovable groundhog won us over, and now, he’s earned the right to munch all he wants. After all, this is his land too, we just planted a garden on it!

Subscribe for fresh Chunk content, guaranteed to make you smile. Life’s stressful, let Chunk be your daily dose of joy. Stay tuned for more of his hilarious adventures!

Thanks, Chunk the Groundhog!

Facebook: Jeff’s Garden Project
Instagram: chunk_the_groundhog


Shared 3 months ago



Shared 1 year ago