"Antisemitism, racism, and prejudice are diseases of unsuccessful, ignorant, and hate-filled individuals."
Attention Extremists!
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racist, anti-Semitic, discriminatory attitude; vulgar, abusive, ignominious words; and hate speech.
Miklos Radnoti :I know not what
I know not what to strangers this dear landscape might mean,
to me it is my birthplace, this tiny spot of green;
ringed now with fire, it was, once, my childhood rocking me;
o may my body sink back to the life-giving soil.
This land is home to me: for if a bush should kneel
before my feet I know its name just as its flower,
I know who walks the road, whither and what hour,
I know what it might mean if reddening pai should fall
dripping some summer dusk down the lintel or the wall
Translated by Zsuzsanna Ozsvath and Frederick Turner