Oasis of Victory Christian Church International (formerly Praise and Deliverance Fellowship International) is a non-denominational, Christ-centered, New Testament church that teaches & preaches the Word of faith.
James Spence Jr., pioneered the ministry as the Holy Spirit led him in the spring of 1988. The church was birthed out of a bible study held in the home of one of its former members. Several months later, Oasis of Victory Christian Church International (OVCCI).
OVCCI has received an assignment from God to transform lives through benevolence, evangelism, intercession & training. Once lives are changed the mandate is to perfect the saints for the work of the ministry through discipling, dedication & development.
The vision of the church is transforming lives by connecting people to people, people to God & people to their purpose.

We are temporarily located at:
47382 Lincoln Avenue, Lexington Park, MD 20653
Services are held every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.


Shared 3 years ago