Hi There! I'm here like you for Musics! Listen I'm not here to Steal XxImmmortalmagexX's Honor or songs or anythings like that I'm just helping you by uploading musics after Musics are made to be Listen and played right? well As you ... I just want to Enjoy their Awesome Musics again here like you do! So please don't complain for stealing something from XxImmortalmagexX or others people's Channels because i uploaded the right songs from them They are already cool and Awesome with Their Own Channels oki? thanks! By the Way that's Why in mostly Each Descriptions in say " In The Honor of The Great (Name of the Channels which uploaded the song before)" But ... that's not All ... Be also prepared to see news songs totally originaly upload by me soon! Now Enjoy The Musics!! and Please don't resquest a song I don't have really such nice musics... But i have a LOT of XximmortalmagexX's songs espacially the Greatest Battle musics ones

Musics for Life!