Chris Graue is the chaotic-good wizard behind SoCal’s ska-punk-pop scene. When he’s not repairing Gameboys on Twitch, he’s filming music videos for NOFX, Reel Big Fish, Frank Turner, Goldfinger, The Bombpops, Suburban Legends, Scott Klopfenstein, and everybody else. Despite these accomplishments, Chris feels suspended in time as if enveloped in the forcefield of some demented Stasis Rune. With each ticking second, his kinetic energy builds until finally exploding onto the music scene with Lo(u)ser.

Chris, the brainchild behind Lo(u)ser, has been resurrected from the ashes of his enemies yielding a digitally potent pop single laced with ska beats and lo-fi blips. There is no Princess needing rescue from another castle. There are no hidden chests to bomb into existence behind crumbled walls. There are no heroes. Just a bucket of Red Vines next to a Sega Genesis where you play your youthful years away until you molt into your final man-child form. It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.


Shared 9 years ago



Shared 10 years ago



Shared 10 years ago