Yashica Jalhotra

Yashica Jalhotra is one of the world's first Online Workshop Curator & sought-after Transformational Trainer, #1 Bestselling Author, Successful Entrepreneur, and founder of Quantum of Happiness.

People Entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and professionals from over 100 countries have benefited from her programs, workshops and guidance.

Global Recognition:
✔️ Author of The #1 Bestselling 21 Laws to Manifest the Life You Desire: Crack the Scientific Code
✔️ Creator of 21-Day Transformational Program, which has transformed and impacted more than 7538 people and counting all over the world.
✔️ Mind Money Mastery - 7 Day Workshop and
✔️ The Ultimate Mind Hack System (Advance Level Program) and
✔️ Tony Robbins's Firewalker

Let's Connect More
FB: YashicaJalhotraOfficial
IG: www.instagram.com/yashicajalhotra_lifecoach/