If you do not believe in a god, if you do not defend your heritage and your culture, you will disappear as a nation. Just like many groups and tribes that have disappeared due to the loss of belief in god. Result? demoralized people with no morals and no guidance along life. Destruction of love and relationships through sexual demonic propaganda through the media education and government . Diminish a persons beliefs and you will diminish their tribe on a large scale. This will result in easier control of mindless zombiefied people. Historically, numerous tribes have gone to war on the basis of their religion, for god... when have you heard people fight for logic or science? 2+2 = 4? Who has ever fought and given up their life for this mathematical and scientific fact? No one. Once we begin thinking through science, we will lose all morals and guidance in life. Political correctness is a form of cultural Marxism to devalue & diminish societies.
Shared 6 years ago
Shared 7 years ago
Shared 12 years ago