St. Petersburg Museum of Islamic Сulture

Dear friends!
The channel was made and supported by my students. At first, I considered it just a hobby of young friends, and then I began to use it as a box where you can put the results of work and impressions, knowing that they can be easily shared. The channel's audience has formed by itself, and I am very grateful to all of you!
Many of you probably know that I am now almost completely immersed in a new project, very important for me, my closest colleagues, students and friends. It is about the creation of the St. Petersburg Museum of Islamic Culture. The channel naturally reflects my life, and even before you could easily found in it a lot of materials one way or another related to the project. I see how the Museum "ingrows" into the channel and makes it its own, so be it!
Thank you all for being with me all these years! The Quran and its world will one way or another be the core of the channel. Stay with us!
Efim Rezvan