The Video Essay Podcast

The Video Essay Podcast is an interview show dedicated to discussion of the theory and practice of videographic criticism.

Most episodes have featured interviews with leading practitioners of the form, including critics, scholars, and filmmakers. The podcast is accompanied by a free newsletter, Notes on Videographic Criticism. The newsletter features original written essays, links to video essay news, short interviews with creators, and more. In March 2021, the podcast launched On Your Screen, a show highlighting screenings, film festivals, and other works you can watch ... on your screen.

The term "video essay" is a loosely-defined one. Video essayists come from a wide range of backgrounds and artistic traditions. This podcast aims to push back against any preconceived definitions of the video essay and ask: what can a video essay be? This question has been debated among practitioners of the form for years, and this podcast aims to document those conversations as best as one can.