Pavlovafowl - Organic Forest Garden Poultry

"Wise men n'er sit and wail their woes, But presently prevent the ways to wail." I left work and the town behind me in 2000 to start an organic homestead/smallholding from a ruined house and abandoned field in rural France. I'm sharing my experiences on raising organic poultry (chickens, quail and fantail pigeons) in a food forest garden and on how we are trying to do our bit to remedy centuries of abuse to our home planet. I also have sites with written articles on raising poultry: and - on growing and cooking organic food and making your own health and beauty products
If you like my work and find it useful and want to help supporting my work there are various options: – where you can buy me a coffee = $3 – if you’d also like to be a part of our new venture into animation.