Gajjan Singh the first Punjabi Folk artist from Chicago in the history of Music! Gajjan is known to get the party going! His majestic folk vocals and catchy hip/hop; pop fusion technique have earned an imprint into the music industry! Growing up he was inspired by listening to 2Pac, Notorious BIG, Nas, Young Jezzy, Kuldeep Manak, Sukshinder Shinda, and Surjit Bhindrakhia gave him a way to cope with stress when he was homeless. Years later after working hard and being a family man, he then made a great come back with Intense, a well-known Grammy Award winning producer launched Gajjan's independent single, "StreetLife" in the year 2018. Later that year he and Intense came with a different vibe for their next single "American Jatt" which was shot by Chicago's known cinematographer DADAcreative. After being off to a great start that year Gajjan and Chicago Rapper Domo G then teamed up with the producer, ExoticTunez and cinematographer Rickee Arts with another single called "BOSSES".