Welcome to my channel Chaos and Charm!!! My name is Rachel and I am a mother of 4 boys and now currently expecting baby number 5!!! As a newly stay at home mother I have been challenged with feelings of self worth to say the least.

Challenge is the intangible and unspoken moment when tough decisions are made when blood sweat and tears are placed on the alter of your daily obligations to the younger humans that demand everything and even more than you can possibly give them. Charm is when you meet that moment with your strength and the grace of the love that is ever present within you. It is when in spite of dirty diapers, homeschooling, and the daily needs of your family you go to the mirror and put on make up, fluff your hair, and say to yourself you are a badass momma and I love you to yourself!

My goal for this channel is to empower other women and let you know you are not alone on this journey of imperfections and chaos and there is always beauty in struggle!

Love, Rachel


Shared 3 years ago