I'm a huge Star Wars fan and have been collecting for over 20 years now. My collection of figures has grown to over 1,700+ figures and hundreds of accessories. I also collect video games/systems, so check out my other Youtube channel Gamester81.


My newest channels is reviewing memorabilia from the 70's, 80
s, 90's and today.

On this channel I plan on doing movie reviews, Star Wars figure reviews, and basically anything related to Star Wars and sci-fi.

If you are on Myspace join my Star Wars Collecting group. It's the largest Star Wars collecting blog on Myspace.


Background by SMAAAASHTV: youtube.com/user/SMAAAASHTV

Twitter: twitter.com/#!/starwarsnut77
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Starwarsnut77/2139958286151…