📷 #photographytips ✍️ #pomodoromethod 🧘 #chillbackgroundmusic #lofimusic #newyorkcity

Hi, I’m a photographer who makes chill background videos, study and create with me videos, and various photography related how-to’s.

Follow along if you want to:
- Play background music and videos to chill out or work to.
- Fine-tune your photography skills.
- See the behind-the-scenes of the life of a photographer/artist.
- Want a buddy to work/study/create with and stay motivated.
- Unique City Views

How to use:
Play the #studywithme & “Create with me” videos as a backdrop to your own work. They will help you focus. Especially good for those with ADHD are neurdivergent or who want company when they study, work and create.

The Pomodoro Method:
A scientifically proven method of working or studying that is more efficient and has periods of rest built in. The science has proven that 25 minutes of uninterrupted work/study, and purposeful 5 min breaks will keep you fresh and on task.


Shared 3 years ago



Shared 3 years ago