Name: Dani
Birthday: 10 August 1990
Zodic Sign: Leo
Hair colour: blue
Eyes colour: Ocean Blue
Height: 5ft
Occupation: sales assistant
Relationship Status: In a relationship
╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this on your site
║╚╣║║╚╗If you like to laugh! XD
Things that are fav CURRENTLY
Fav.colour: Pink/White/Black
Fav. book: Harry Potter Star Wars
Fav.cartoon: Scooby doo unknown
Fav. food: unknown
You Say Green
I Say Pink
You Say Gerard Way
I Say David Tennant
You Say Paris Hilton
I Say WTF????
You Say Heavy Metal
I Say Pop
You Say I'm Weird
I Say I'm Different