The Free D&B Channel

Top quality Drum & Bass music doesn't have to cost money.

The internet has enabled anyone with the right tools to produce music and distribute it freely across the web. More and more Drum & Bass producers are making the choice to do so; whether it's a highly regarded producer who has numerous releases under their belt, or an unknown one making fantastic music from their bedroom; great D&B can come from anywhere.

There are many places on the internet where DnB music is freely available, and not everyone shares their music in the same place. The fact that the barriers to produce and share music are so low, means that there is a lot of music that needs more work.

I've set out to find the very best in free Drum and Bass music, from all over the internet and share it

If you're a producers seeking to get your D&B into the ears of more fans, or you know of some great free tunes, please get in touch via email with a short description and download link at: