Everything you need to start and run your membership.

Membership.io (formerly Searchie) is the easy-to-use platform that gives you the tools to seamlessly create, manage, and sell your knowledge online. Streamline your processes, save time and resources while driving your business towards greater profitability.

Our automations and AI-powered tools support you every step of the way from content management to digital product delivery.

With Membership.io, you can easily package and deliver your free or paid content with our Hub builder. Create a stunning, personalized learning experience that’s both accessible and engaging, without the need for coding or expensive developers.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or customizing one of our many plug-and-play templates, Membership.io has you covered.

From content creation to monetization, Membership.io grows with you and your business. Join our community and unlock the full potential of your membership site today!


Shared 1 year ago



Shared 2 years ago