Game of Skate Tips. Week By Week.Coming Soon.
Shields Tage.
Filming Setup:
Some Old Sony Handycam.(But still amazing)
Panasonic GS320.
Opteka .3x Baby Death Fisheye.
HONORS-(cool edit thingy)- #11 Most Discussed----Nonprofits and Activism(12/30/07
HON0RS-(Varial Heel and Switch Flip)-#56 Most Discussed----Nonprofits and Activism(12/30/07)
HONORS-(cool edit thingy)- #77 Most Discussed----Nonprofits and Activism(12/31/07)This Week
HONORS-(awesome session on 1/1/08)- #77 most discussed-Non Profits and Activism(1/2/08)
HONORS-(8 stair attempts-good edit)-#80 most discussed- Non Profits and Activism(1-18-08)
Shared 17 years ago