You heard right! I'm back! ^_^
But my video editing days have come
to an end.... for Disney/Non Disney
animated shows and movies. That
means, no more Thrax, Odette,
Facilier and all those wonderful
characters. I didn't go far, I didn't do
much, but what I did, I'm proud of it.
But my passion for these projects has
vanished a long time ago and I don't
think it's ever coming back. I'm sorry to
dissapoint all of you, It has been a
pleasure working and learning from all
the fantastic artists here (YES, that's
how I call every people working hard on
putting great videos on youtube). One
thing for sure, I'm not leaving youtube,
I'll keep this channel open, to upload
whatever I get into, DC Animated,
videogames, movies, tv shows. It could
be anything. But my days as an official
video editor are over. Thanks again to
all my friends and fans! ;')
Shared 13 years ago