Nor'easters A Cappella

The International Champions of the 2013 and 2017 ICCA seasons, the Nor'easters are proud to have accomplished much in the past few years. Other than being named Quarterfinal, Semifinal, and International Champions, they have picked up numerous awards for Outstanding Arrangement, Vocal Percussion, and Choreography. Throughout the years, The Nor'easters have become recording powerhouses, having been awarded Best Mixed Collegiate Album for 2013, 2014, and 2018 at the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards.

In recent years, The Nor’easters took the title of Champions of the National A Cappella Convention held in Memphis, Tennessee last April 2019. Senior Anthony Rodriguez was also acclaimed as Outstanding Soloist in the competition for “Karma” (opb. Years & Years).

Most recently, The Nor’easters released their newest EP entitled MOMENTUM. Check it out on Spotify and Apple Music!

Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Tik ToK: ​@NUNoreasters


Shared 13 years ago