International KPopLove

Hello! I started this page because I want to get in contact with Kpop Cover groups from all over the World! I Love Kpop, and I know that this has gone VIRAL and it is popular all over the world. My goal is to create a website that promotes all of the amazing Kpop Cover groups and I would also like to create a map of where all of these amazing KPOP Cover groups are at. I hope to help promote each group not only in your cities but all over the world! Yes, people can look up your videos on youtube, and my Website will have each Kpop Cover Group on my Webpage. I hope my website is a success...that being said it is not up yet because I will be contacting people to see if they want to be part of my webpage. Once I have a couple of groups, I will put up the page, and hopefully more Kpop Groups will want to be part of my page.

Also! If there are any Kpop Cover Groups that you would like to tell me about please let me know so I can contact them!

Have an amazing day!