Dockrider Systems develops low-impact deep-water-access solutions & dock technology.
We developed the technology for Green Heron Docks to build a dock over the marsh and shallows with no construction damage.
Green Heron now offers a turn-key solution for the SunDock System.
The SunDock System is a low-shading and hurricane resistant dock.
ToPS Technique and Green Machine are the dock building method and machine that build the dock from the dock without touching the marsh or water. It builds the SunDock strong and fast.
SunDock Rider is the motorized trolley that rides on the SunDock Track and carries 1,200lbs of passengers and gear. The Dock Rider makes it possible for the SunDock to have the least dock shading of any dock.
DockCaddy and DockChauffeur are safe and low-impact alternatives to driving golf carts down docks.
Call us at 1(888)My-1-Dock or visit us on the web at: