MAKE READY TV is a FREE source for premium content from the top instructors and industry professionals from the firearms and outdoor community. We have gathered 60+ vetted instructors and professionals that are among the most sought-after in their given fields of expertise, all in one place to share with you their knowledge and experience. The most sought-after instructors in the world teach you everything from firearms safety to more thorough training in handguns, rifles and carbines, shotguns, precision shooting, competitive shooting sports, armorer skills, airsoft and airguns, and more. We also cover medical training, empty hands defense, edges weapons, strength training, hunting, cooking, and even product reviews. An entire series is devoted to prepping and survival skills. And you don’t want to miss our podcasts, episodic shows and documentaries. The cinematic style of our videos brings you a one-on-one experience that translates to lessons you will remember and learn from.
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