I aspire to inspire. I want to present the understanding that being a musician is about enjoying the journey and bringing others together. On this journey I have realized that the most important thing about this channel I created in '07' is how it inspires others to continue their journey. So as we continue to rise to greatness, I would like to share the vibes, tricks, tips, and the importance of education with you all. This my only YouTube channel so please like, subscribe and ring the bell for upcoming content including upgraded studio. See you in the comment section! Follow me on Instagram @RayVickDrums for daily updates and more frequent posts.

Much Love to all my Subscribers,
"Driven by the Beat, Fueled by the Blessing" -Ray Vick

For Inquiries on Booking info: RayVickDrums@gmail.com
{ Studio Recording, Drum Loops, Live Shows, Plays,
Stage Performance, Musical Events, Drum Clinics, Band Gigs.. etc }