Hey :)
my name is Ameeta and this is my youtube channel..which you probably know, haha ;)
uhm, I made this account to comment on things, I've been told I should be a critique a couple of times, and when I really use to be into youtube, I actually got a couple of inboxes from people asking me to comment on whatever work they had. Well, I'm back, so if anyone wants my opinion, then let me know and no I'm not mean, lol :D I'm just truthful..and most of the times I have something good to say. ;)

anyways, I'm not going to post videos yet..or ever, maybe though ? :)
but, I would love to talk, and you can add me as a friend if you come across my channel. I'm a Christian, but I talk to everyone, and don't judge, soo yeah. Thanks for coming to my channel,
and if you want me to check out yours, then no problem,
pcee :)