Alexander Robinson - Movie & TV Reviews

Hello. My name is Alexander Robinson, an online film critic, and entertainment host.

I have been a fan of movies for as long as I can remember. I started reviewing movies on YouTube starting in 2012 as a hobby, but I created this channel (formerly known as THE REAL MR. ROBINSON) with the intention to turn it into a career. Since then, I have become a contributor for GEEKED OUT NATION, a voting member of the HOLLYWOOD CREATIVE ALLIANCE, and I've been a guest on channels such as THE REEL REJECTS, ADORKABLE RACHEL, DOUBLE TOASTED, and POPCORN TALK.

My goal is to share my love and knowledge of movies and TV with as many awesome people as possible and hopefully influence you to check out the movies that don't come up in discussion as much as others.

I hope you enjoy my continuous love for movies and TV!!!