Abdullah Almasry

Salam Alaykom Everyone,

A Muslim believes that there is no God worthy of worship but Allah and that Mohamed peace be upon him is his messenger.

Muslims believe that all prophets came to teach humanity the religion of Islam. Muslims believe in Noah, Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus as the best prophets ever sent by Allah.

Muslims also believe that Torah, gospel and Quran are books sent by God to humanity through the prophets Moses, Jesus and Mohamed. According to Christians and Jews, their books were altered by people who came after Moses and Jesus. The only preserved book that was not ever changed is the QURAN.

Muslims believe that angels have wings and were created from light. Angels are servants of Allah almighty, they never disobey him and always do whatever they are commanded to do by God.

In addition Muslims believe that God knows everything in this universe that happened in the past and is going to happen in the future.

God in Islam is the only creator of the Heavens, the earth and the whole universe. He created fire and hell and will judge very person in the last day according to his deeds.

God has no son, no daughter, no wife, basically no one. God is greater than any human can think and he is the most beautiful. Muslims (followers of Mohamed, Jesus, Moses, Ibrahim and all other prophets) will see Allah when they enter paradise

If you want to know more about Islam and its teachings, please contact me at islam.converts@gmail.com.

I am ready to help you and debate with you anytime inshallah.

Peace to everyone out there :)