Fugu Aurelius【Vsupport】

Vsupport所屬 Fugu Aurelius
King of the ocean( self-proclaimed)

【chat room rule】
1. Stay civilized
2. Spoilers get stitches.
3. Please refrain from mentioning any other streamer or vtuber, keep your love to them in your pants.
4. Please also refrain from mentioning Fugu in other people's stream, keep you hate to me in your pants。
4. Spam, advertisement and insult will not be tolerated. I will ban ,delete and judge you menacingly.
5. Ignore any hate speech and do not feed the attention seeker with attention. Judge them silently .
6. When in doubt, just don't.
7. No compliments to the streamer is allowed. This streamer is not cute

1. 和平友善 尊重彼此~
2. 劇透一時爽,XX萬人闖
3. 除了特殊情況,請不要過度提及其他實況主或Vtuber,也不要在其他人的直播底下過度提及Fugu。
4. 請勿發表謾罵及侮辱等言論,也不要刷留言或貼圖洗頻、散播廣告。
5. 如有仇恨言論,請各位以無視代替譴責與批評。
【召喚Fugu】: 海皇請降臨

#FuguAurelius #vtuber #新人vtuber #Vsupport